767 research outputs found

    Danmarks nye muslimske intellektuelle – en ny islamisk autoritet?

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    Intellektuelle har altid spillet en central rolle i den islamiske historie og også i dag finder man muslimske intellektuelle i forskellige sammenhænge. I en dansk kontekst har sådanne optrådt iden offentlige debat fra så forskellige udgangspunkter som for eksempel talsmanden for Hizbut-Tahrir, Junes Kock, imamerne fra Dansk Islamisk Center, Waseem Hussain, Naveed Baig og Fatih Alev, eller samfundsdebattører med muslimsk baggrund som Tarek Ziad Hussein eller Ahmed Akkari. I det speciale, som ligger til grund for denne artikel, undersøgte jeg en række danske muslimer, som jeg har valgt at kalde for de nye muslimske intellektuelle i Danmark. De udgør ikke en organiseret gruppe, men kender udmærket hinanden. Det, som gør dem interessante, er, at de som nogle af de første dansk opvoksede muslimer har erhvervet sig formelle islamiske uddannelser fra muslimske majoritetslande ved siden af deres uddannelser til ingeniører, læger og jurister. På baggrund af begge dele mener de, som muslimske autoriteter, at have et bedre udgangspunkt for at balancere et muslimsk liv i en dansk sammenhæng end for eksempel de traditionelle imamer

    Pulsed Quantum Frequency Combs from an Actively Mode-locked Intra-cavity Generation Scheme

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    We introduce an intra-cavity actively mode-locked excitation scheme for nonlinear microring resonators that removes the need for external laser excitation in the generation of pulsed two-photon frequency combs. We found a heralded anti-bunching dip of 0.245 and maximum coincidence-to-accidental ratio of 110 for the generated photon pairs

    Is Heroin-Assisted Treatment Effective for Patients with No Previous Maintenance Treatment? Results from a German Randomised Controlled Trial

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    Background/Aims: Until now, the medical prescription of diamorphine (heroin) has been suggested as suitable for patients who have failed previous maintenance treatments. The aim of this paper is to assess the effects of diamorphine on opioid-dependent patients with no previous maintenance treatment experience (NPME). Methods: The German heroin trial compared diamorphine versus methadone maintenance treatment and included 107 patients with NPME. This paper is a sub-analysis of these patients. Results: When comparing this subsample with the rest of the participants in the study, large baseline differences were found, showing a more severe drug use profile in patients with NPME. However, no differences were found in terms of treatment outcome and treatment retention. In the subsample with NPME, outcome measures on the reduction of illicit drug use were significantly better under diamorphine compared to methadone treatment, while there was no difference in health outcomes. Conclusion: Controlled studies are now necessary to examine whether diamorphine treatment could be considered as one of several options in treating severely opioid-dependent patients, regardless of previous maintenance treatment experience

    On-chip Quantum State Generation by Means of Integrated Frequency Combs

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    Summary form only given. This paper investigates different approaches to generate optical quantum states by means of integrated optical frequency combs. These include the generation of multiplexed heralded single-photons, the first realization of cross-polarized photon-pairs on a photonic chip, the first generation of multiple two-photon entangled states, and the first realizations of multi-photon entangled quantum states on a photonic chip
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